Tuesday 14 July 2015

Painting : Go Wild and Free : In 11 step photos

Go Wild and Free

Information: *skip to last photograph where the painting is *

Inspired by own photos and different pinterest posts. Aim: Bulgarian Contest

I took photos as I did the painting so you guys could follow through or see the development. The theme was the word "Free".
I did this in a day, as the due date was tomorrow and I saw this yesterday. Its done on bad quality acrylics, and the photos are with my Iphone ... Sorry!

Hope you like it. Comment opinions and constructive opinions!

Paper 46x68

Pencil Outline


tip: shrink your eyes to see contrast in colors when painting anything


Self portrait

drawing in pencil second face

basic colours on second face

second face after pilot on top

Runny paint ( liquid acrylic)

Adding Bird in pencil

Go Wild and Free- Laura Ortega 14.07.15

tumblr: http://laurapixel.tumblr.com/
email: lauraandherpixels@gmail.com

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